Africa our second-largest and second-most-populous continent with over 1.2 billion people and covering 20.4 % of Earth’s total land area, is the place of origin of humans with the earliest Homo sapiens (modern human) found in Ethiopia being dated to circa 200,000 years ago.
Antarctica is about 98% covered by ice and on average, is the coldest, driest and windiest continent with the highest average elevation of all the continents.
Asia, our largest and most populous continent with over 4 billion people and coving about 30% of Earth’s total land area, is the site of many of the first civilizations.
Europe, covering about 6.8% of the Earth’s total land area with a population of over 740 million people, was the birthplace of Western civilization (ancient Greece).
North America
North America covers about 16.5% of the Earth’s total land area with a population of over 565 million people.
Oceania is a region centered on the islands of the tropical Pacific Ocean, but has varying definitions; the widest being entire region between continental Asia and the Americas, including islands in the Pacific Rim such as the Japanese archipelago, Taiwan, and the Aleutian islands. The term was coined as Océanie circa 1812 by geographer Conrad Malte-Brun.
South America
South America is the home to the world’s highest uninterrupted waterfall, the highest single drop waterfall, the largest river (by volume), the longest mountain range, the driest non-polar place on earth, the largest rainforest, the highest capital city, the highest commercially navigable lake and the world’s southernmost permanently inhabited community.
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