Masked Trogon

Throughout regions of South America, Ecuador, Tepuis and the Andes reside the Masked Trogon. Habitat ranges include subtropical and tropical forests, ranging from 2,296 to 11,811 feet (700 to 3,600 m) above sea level. Belonging to the family Trogonidae, the Masked Trogon displays dramatic sexual dimorphism, with males and females both possessing different color patterns. Unlike many other bird species, males and females are easily distinguishable from one another. Males are green, reddish-bronze, red and white. Females contain pink, red and shades of white. Typically, these birds remain still for extended periods of time unless feeding on insects or fruit. During breeding season, the Masked Trogon fashions a cavity out of a rotting tree trunk where the female lays two entirely white eggs. Both sexes assist in the incubation process, lasting between 25-30 days. Nestlings hatch several days apart from one another.
